Dear Parents, Carers, Pupils and Visitors

Please find below a copy of the updated risk assessment for the playground work on site. This is being reviewed frequently to mitigate risks.

Please note that due to the works currently being carried out on site we may have more traffic in school due to deliveries and the work team from Pentagon.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Many thanks in advance for your continued support.

Rebecca Thompson

Head teacher

site security June 6th V3


Confirmed case of Strep A and Scarlet Fever.

Click the link below to open the letter sent to parents on 5th June 2024


Parent/Carer Survey 2022/23

Our parent/carer survey 2022/2023 (% of total respondents)  results :
100% agreed their child enjoys coming to school
95% agreed their child is making good progress at Highfield
96% agreed that Highfield meets their child’s individual needs
98% agreed Highifled school ensures their child is well looked after
95% agreed their child is taught well at Highfield
96% agreed that Highfield help their child to develop their communication skills.
93 % agreed the standard of behaviour is good in school
64% agreed that Highfield deals with cases of bullying effectively, whilst 26% stated they did not know.
95% agreed school responds well to their concerns
87 % agreed that Highfield keep them well informed.
96% agreed their child feels safe in school
98% agreed that Highfield meets their child’s health needs
93% agreed they feel supported by Highfield school
93% agreed they would recommend Highfield school to another parent.
What next for 2023/2024 ?
We are always seeking to improve and want to work with parents and carers to do so. The results were incredibly positive and we hope for the next survey we get more respondents.
We are keen to improve the percentage of parents and carers who feel they are well informed and this will be one of our school improvement targets for 2023/2024, to work with parents and carers as to how we may move this forward together.
If you would be interested in a parent/carer voice group please do let us know via the admin e mail address by September 29th .


Visit from Local MP, Simon Lightfoot, as part of the Key Stage 4 Citizenship Curriculum

On Friday the 20th of January Simon Lightfoot, Local MP, came into school to meet with Key Stage 4 students. This was as part of their Citizenship Education.

Students have been learning about Democracy and pitched their questions about local and national issues as well as about how parliament works.

The students did a great job welcoming Simon to school and sharing their questions.


Visit from Local PCSO as part of the Key Stage 3 Careers Curriculum

On Thursday the 19th of January Andy Devonport, Police Community Support Officer, came into school to speak to some of the Key Stage 3 students as part of their careers lessons.

He shared what his job involved, answered questions and also let them see his bike!

Andy said that he really enjoyed his day with our students and will be back in the summer to speak to Key Stage 4 students.


Interfaith Week 2022

In the final week of November 2022 we took part in Interfaith Week to increase our understanding of different faiths and people of religious and non-religious beliefs.

We celebrated the end of the week with a showcase of work that pupils had produced to share our learning with each other.

There was some fabulous examples of learning and also lovely discussions as they viewed each others work.


Jubilee Party Film

Outdoor Learning

Take a look at what the students have been doing while taking part in the Outdoor Learning Programme.

A Social Story to support students to understand coverage of the War

Below is a Social Story to help explain current events surrounding the war in Ukraine. This is upsetting and unsettling for many people at the moment and this resource can be used to help explain and talk about the situation if you feel that your student would benefit from additional reassurance and understanding.

Christmas Fayre

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic and restrictions this year there will not be a Christmas Fayre.

However, students gain valuable experiences in creating items for this event, so will continue to make their enterprise items. Students in P16SSt have worked on their Desktop Publishing Skills to create a catalogue of items with descriptions and prices. This also has an order form for you to make your purchases.

As a school we value your support for our events so hope that this will be just as successful.

Please return your order form to school ASAP, to avoid disappointment.