Attendance & Holidays
Governors are pleased that attendance at Highfield school is good, comparing very favourably to that seen in similar schools nationally.
We very much appreciate the Parental Support which has been helpful in improving this figure steadily over the last few years. To gain the maximum benefit from school it is important that students attend regularly and punctually. All absences must be explained either by letter or a telephone call from the parent/carer. School will contact the parent/carer by telephone on the first day of any unexplained absence. Unexplained absences may also be followed up by a letter from school or a visit from our Parental Support Advisers. Schools are required to keep exact records of all absences and your co-operation will be needed in this matter. In very rare occasions where the school has provided large amounts of support, working with Educational Welfare Officers we will explore every opportunity for very vulnerable young people to have good, regular attendance in school.
Holiday During Term Time
The government has stated that parents should avoid taking their children out of school for family holidays during term times, in order to maximise their attendance and progress. Whilst we support this position, at Highfield School, Governors and the Head Teacher recognise that there can be exceptional circumstances for the families of students with special educational needs where taking a holiday during term time cannot be avoided. It is also important we keep a very close eye on long term planned absences for holidays for very vulnerable young people. We take our responsibility for safeguarding our young people very seriously.
However, there may be circumstances where parents feel due to the needs of their child that holidays need to be taken at times that do not fit into school holiday dates:
You are asked to write directly to the Head Teacher requesting the time away from school, and such requests will be considered on an individual basis. Please do not book your holiday until your request has been looked at and you have received a letter from the school.
It is important to be aware that in previous years parents have asked for quite large amounts of time away from school and this will not be granted as normal practice. Individual attendance for the year, the previous year and holiday patterns will be looked at carefully before any holiday dates are granted.
Training Days
Please see the ‘Term Dates and Events’ page on ‘About us’ for the school calendar and Training days.