Additional Funding

Year 7 Top Up Funding

Literacy & Numeracy Catch-Up Premium

The Literacy and Numeracy catch-up premium gives state-funded schools, including special schools and alternative provision settings, additional funding to support year 7 students who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).


  • To increase social mobility
  • To increase engagement in Literacy and Numeracy sessions which will improve behaviour in lessons.
  • To enable all students with SEND to access Literacy and Numeracy sessions within their school day
  • To enable students from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve learning potential
  • To ensure that students from all backgrounds have an equal opportunity to be successful
  • To reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils

Overview of the School and Funding for 2019/20

  • Total number of year 7 students on roll : 21
  • Total number of students eligible for catch up funding : 21
  • Number of students with EHCP’s: 21
  • Funding 2019-2020: £10,500

Planned Strategies for 2019-2020

  • Develop Literacy and Numeracy programmes of study to support teaching of functional Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Develop a bank of Literacy and Numeracy resources to support the teaching of early maths skills in the semi formal curriculum.
  • Meet with the SALT regarding students requiring communication in classrooms and appropriate resources to support Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Meet with Sensory Impairment Team regarding students with HI or VI to highlight necessary resources to support Literacy and Numeracy.


Due to the complex SEND of the students at Highfield School Impact is measured in a variety of ways:

  • Monitoring of behaviour within Literacy and Numeracy sessions to ensure behaviour is good or better. This is done through our CPOMs system and weekly meetings with the Behaviour for learning team.
  • Monitoring the progress made against EHCP outcomes with particular focus on Cognition and Communication.

Last Academic Year

Implementation for 2018 -19

  • Targeted support and interventions with the HLTA for communication.
  • STRIDE theatre group to develop verbal communication and listening skills.
  • Lunch time clubs to develop the social skills required to work alongside others.
  • Additional staffing to support the teaching of Community Education to develop the functional use of Literacy and Numeracy in the local area and beyond.


  • Behaviour in school is good or better. (CPOMS)
  • Engagement in lessons is good or better (Learning Walks)
  • Students in year 7 are making progress in Literacy and Numeracy (Evidence for Learning)
  • Students in year 7 are making progress towards their EHCP outcomes/IEP targets which include Literacy and Numeracy (Evidence for Learning and EHCP paperwork)
  • Evidence of progress across a wider range of subjects through Evidence for Learning.


COVID Catch Up Grant

Highfield has allocated its Covid catch up grant on sourcing an additional speech and language therapist for 2 days a week to support pupils bridging the gap in their social language as well as functional communication.

  • Total number of students Year 7-11 on roll: 132
  • Total number of students eligible for catch-up funding: 132
  • Number of students with EHCPs: 132
  • Covid Catch-up Funding received for academic year 2020-21: £45,600