Key Stage 4 Offer
Year 10 students start to research and plan their future post 16 options and develop their employability skills which then transfers to specific option choice research and visits in Year 11 where appropriate. Structured activities are developed through dedicated careers lessons which help them to begin to make informed decisions about post 16 options.
The Year 11 programme includes school visits, career talks with colleges, apprenticeship and training providers as appropriate, employers and professionals, workshops on financial planning and NCS external provision.
Every year the students participate in employer engagement activities, workshops and sessions which helps them prepare to make a more effective transition from school to training and employment.
Traineeships, Apprenticeships and T levels benefits are also highlighted during careers lessons and National Apprenticeship week. Students also learn from Labour Market information session.
Year 11 also compete a short internal work experience in summer term where appropriate. This experience provides them with an introduction to the world of work by carrying out tasks or duties in the role of an employer and learning valuable work skills such as punctuality, communication, commitment and team work.
Career guidance conversations are available with Caroline throughout the week during tutor time as drop in sessions and external independent advice provision through the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900.