Parent Support

The school has excellent support for families and this is provided by our Parent Support Advisers (PSAs). The PSAs can support with a wide range of issues. Each Parent Support Adviser covers particular year groups:

• Kirsty Barr (Working week: Weds, Thurs, Fri)
• Lynn Catchpole covers key stage 4 (Working Week: Tues, Weds, Thurs)
• Emma Kitchener covers Post 16 (Based with Post 16 at Thornes Park Mon, Wed, Thursday)

The landline number for all PSAs is the school number 01924 264 240. The mobile contacts for PSAs are:

• Kirsty Barr: 0777 229 2279
• Lynn Catchpole: 0777 229 2488
• Emma Kitchener: 0749 553 9721

Our Parent Support Team also works outside of term time. This helps to provide support during what can be difficult times for families. During the holidays, the PSAs work collaboratively, so it might not be the PSA you know best offering support, but all our PSAs have access to shared files so they can quickly get up to speed on your child’s needs.

We hope that the support offered is always excellent. However, if you do have any concerns, we would encourage you firstly to speak to the PSA themselves.

Our School SENCO is Nicola Hirst you can contact her on the school number or by  email :

Please call Admin and speak with Sally Holmes (SENCO Assistant) or Jen Ablett (SEN Admin) who will be able to help you with any queries regarding your EHCP or EHCP annual meetings.

If this does not clarify or resolve your concern, please then contact Pam Pickles, School Business Manager, on or telephone 01924 264240.

Useful Links

Wakefield Families Together

Wakefield I-CAN

CEOP Parent Info – Online Safety – support for families in a digital world.

WESAIL – a service available to parents and carers of a child or a young person, who has, or may have, Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 years who are living within the Wakefield District.

Wakefield Early Help – Early Help means providing support to a child, young person or their family as soon as a problem emerges. Whether you’re a parent, a young person or an Early Help professional looking for advice, support or family activities, you’ll find all the information you need on these pages.

Suicide Support – links to various organisations who can help.

CSE – support and links to organisations to help with Child Sexual Exploitation.

SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service or SENDIASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people (up to 25 years).

Wakefield Local Offer  – to find out what is available in our area for children and  young people with special educational needs.

RDA – healing through horses.


Water Sure – financial help towards water bills if someone in your household needs to use more water due to their medical condition.

Seen In 

Gingerbread – a charity for single parents

PA Database – database for Personal Assistant support

Max Card – discount at a range of places

Manchester Airport – autism friendly airport experience.


DIAL Wakefield

Carers Wakefield and District

Emergency SMS

The Mulberry Club

Family Fund

Family Sign Language 

Gro-clock – sleep training

Wakefield and District Down’s Syndrome Support Group

Concessionary Travel Pass – Application form

Cerebra– supporting with sleep

Sensory Oojamabobs – sensory items