Entering Post-16 is an exciting next step from secondary provision at Highfield School. We offer a range of different courses and opportunities that are personalised for each individual student. The curriculum is designed to support students in their learning, provide interesting and exciting options and above all to prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
In Post 16 student progress is measured by both accredited (qualifications) and non-accredited methods. We use EHCP and IEPs to set and monitor non-accredited outcomes. These non-accredited outcomes are specific to the individual student’s educational priorities, and can be based around any aspect of the curriculum i.e. communication, problem solving, life skills, social and emotional or vocational.
The focus is to help young adults to become as self-sufficient as possible, we encourage them to develop skills for independent living, such as looking after yourself, problem solving, decision making, risk management and communication. Students gain practical experience of budgeting, shopping, preparing meals, carrying out domestic chores and taking responsibility for their own personal care.
New Venues for Pathways
Due to the expansion of students in the main school, we now have our different pathways on different sites.
- The Moving on Pathway is situated on the Main school site in Gawthorpe
- The Futures Pathway is now situated in the Penny Appeal Campus in Thornes Park
- The City Futures Pathway is situated in the Centre of Wakefield in Westgate
For further information on pathways and venues please go to the Pathways Page
For support and more information about Post 16 at Highfield please contact Amanda Sheppard (Assistant Head) on asheppard@highfield.wakefield.sch.uk